Year 3 outing to The British Museum

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Year 3 outing to The British Museum

Year 3 have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term and so visiting the British Museum recently was an excellent opportunity for all the boys to put their learning into context and of course, learn more about this fascinating civilization. The boys took part in an Ancient Egyptian artefact workshop where they learnt about what it was like to discover an Ancient Egyptian tomb as well as handle some ancient artefacts. It was fascinating to see real life footage of British Museum staff currently working in tombs insitu as well as handle some objects that were thousands of years old. Boys of course had the opportunity to look around the Ancient Egyptian galleries at the museum and the mummy room was a big hit! Some of the mummies have been excellently preserved and some of the boys needed a lot of convincing that they were real mummies! The thought of having to spend the night in a room with Ancient Egyptians mummies ensured the boys didn’t wander far from the group! Another big hit was the Rosetta Stone, an ancient stone that has helped archaeologists understand Egyptian hieroglyphics as it has the same text in three languages: hieroglyphics, Demotic and Ancient Greek. Overall a great time was had by all and a lot was learnt. There is so much to see so if you have a spare day in the holidays it’s well worth a visit. Thank you to all the Year 3 boys for making the trip an educational and enjoyable day for all!  

Mr Strinati – Junior School Teacher