Y2 Outing to Amersham Field Studies Council

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Y2 Outing to Amersham Field Studies Council

Year 2 visited Amersham Field Studies Council to compliment the children’s recent Science topic, Plants, Animals and Habitats. They had the chance to use science equipment to go on a minibeast hunt and try pond dipping. Can you spot them using the nets, magnifying glasses and collection pots? They collected a number of different species including newts, pond skaters, woodlice and ground beetles. We were able to predict what we might find and used voting machines to see what the majority of the group thought. At the end of the session, we returned to our predictions and discussed if we were correct. They were able to share their discoveries and use a tally chart to recorded their findings. The session leader explained how these animals had adapted to live in different habitats. The children thought about the food chains in each habitat, discussing the consumers, producers, predators and prey. They answered questions about the animals’ diet, using key vocabulary such as carnivore, herbivore and omnivore and considered role plants play in the eco system. The children enjoyed spending the day in the sunshine at the councils outdoor learning centre and discovering all it had to offer. What a brilliant day Year 2 had! 

Mrs Sharp – Pre-Prep Teacher