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What is the DHPA? The DHPA is an open community of parent volunteers working alongside the school to benefit the school and ensure the best experience for all its pupils.


The main purpose of DHPA is to enhance the educational experience of pupils in the school in particular by:

  • Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents, pupils, governors and others associated with the school to create a stronger community.
  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and enhance the educational experience of the pupils.
  • Raising funds for charities as selected by the school community.

How does the DHPA benefit the school?

  • Parents and care givers have a big impact on how well their kids do at school. Taking an active role in your PA is one of the ways you can make a difference and get involved:
  • We raise money to fund school initiatives through charity activities and events
  • We provide a social support network for parents
  • We provide volunteers and opportunities so that parents can support their child’s time at Durston House.

Committee Members: 2025

  • DHPA Co-Chair: Dr Libby Pearson
  • DHPA Co-Chair: Mrs  Despina Sotireli
  • Treasurer: Mr Paul Taplin
  • Assistant Treasurer: Mrs Elitsa Yordanova
  • Creative Director/Secretary: Mrs Sasha Lutt
  • Assistant Creative Director/Secretary: Mrs Mounia Saour

Common Questions:

How can my skills be useful?

Although a warm welcome is great, there’s more to PA activities than home baking and serving tea: Any parent can be a member, and every parent has skills to bring, from graphic design to gardening; from events management to balancing the books. Could you help? What skills do you have that we may need?

How much time can I commit?

Some of our most active mums and dads work full-time, or have other commitments. If your child has younger siblings, the PA is a great way to familiarise them with their future school. We all have lives away from school, and it’s OK to say “no”.

Examples of how you can commit, either at an event or behind the scenes, include:

  • Sort secondhand uniform
  • Contribute to termly newsletter
  • Promote easy fundraising
  • Help with particular event

Stay In Touch!

For info on activities and events and make suggestions for new events: Email: