Reception and People who help us - Durston House

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Reception and People who help us

This term Reception welcomed several parents into school to talk about their jobs in the community

Our first topic of the year in Reception is ‘People who help us’. This encompasses people who help at home, school, in an emergency and in the community. With the breadth of expertise amongst the Durston community, we were excited that some of our Reception parents offered to come and talk to the boys about their jobs and how they help people. The boys were enthusiastic to have ‘real life’ people share their experiences with them.

Firstly, we had Mr Johnston who works in construction. He told the boys about all that goes into constructing a building, showing them architect plans and answering questions such as ‘how many bricks do you need to build a house?’ The boys particularly enjoyed wearing the hard hats that he brought in, as he talked to them about health and safety on a building site. Then, we had the pleasure of welcoming Ms Shergill who is a social worker. Firstly, the boys passed a ball around as they introduced themselves. Then she showed them a book on emotions and talked to them about their feelings. Ms Shergill explained to the boys how she helped children and families.

With an increased focus on oral health in Early Years, Dr Alshaficame to talk to Reception about his job as a dentist. He showed the boys what a dentist would do when examining their teeth along with demonstrating how to brush their teeth effectively. The boys were thrilled to get a sticker at the end as they often would when visiting a dentist in a surgery. Lastly, with COP26 in progress, Mrs Wells spoke to the boys about climate change. She explained how her job working for a renewable energy company, creating energy through solar panels, would help the world. The boys were amazed how many football pitches (1300 to be exact) of solar panels her company had made already!

We are hugely thankful to our parents that they took time out of their day to share their experiences with the boys and explain how they help us every day through their work.