Pre-Prep (Reception – Year 2)
In Pre-Prep, children learnt a number of carols and songs for their Christmas Production of ‘The Magical Christmas Tree’, they enjoyed singing with their full heart and happy smiles during performances. They also performed in the Harvest Assembly, with gusto and a great diction!
Junior School (Year 3 – Year 4)
In Junior School, pupils learnt various elements of music theory as well as the Instrumentals of the Orchestra. Some of the important composers pupils learnt about included: Benjamin Britten, W A Mozart, Beethoven etc. The Junior Choir prepared with dedication for the Carol Service, while all other junior pupils learnt congregational carols.
Middle & Upper School (Year 5 – Year 8)
In lessons, pupils explored different composers and some classes, used Sibelius – music-composing software to write their composition; this helps equip pupils with skills crucial for their futures beyond Durston House.
The Carol service was outstanding. On a cold icy evening, our bodies were warmed by the humble welcoming from Durston House pupils. The Carol Service started in the dark, with candles lit by the Senior Choir and singing “Veni, veni, Emmanuel”. The Trumpet and Timpani added the shine to the descant and melodies of the carols. The singing united the whole Durston House Community in the final “O Come, all ye faithful”.
Mrs Palamarchuk – Head of Music