Swiftly moving into the Summer Term, Mathematics in Junior School is sizzling. Year 3 continue to acquire skills for mastering decimals, which develops knowledge and understanding to aid the concepts of pounds and pence when learning about money and 12-hour/24-hour digital clock too. They have used decimal sliding lines to consolidate understanding of dividing and multiplying decimals by 10 or 100. Top tips are to move the digits one or two places left or right to gain your answers and the use of these sliders makes that visually clear to see how that concept works because you write the digits to show the decimal and then slide to get your answer. They have also been using a ‘rekenrek’ for lessons on ‘Making a Whole,’ it has helped them to see the value of hundredths in a whole number, a tricky skill. Individually boys across both year groups will use a whiteboard and pen to show working out and understanding to their teacher throughout a lesson.
Year 4 have also extended their skills and knowledge of decimals and are using these skills along with their fraction expertise to understand the relationships to percentages and an understanding of how these are all connected to being part of a whole number. They have been using numerous concrete resources to enhance their lessons. Across the classes, boys have been studying ‘Equivalent decimals, percentages and fractions.’ They have used a variety of resources to aid with the learning of this topic. Boys have been using Kahoot, which offers online maths games, which they greatly enjoy. Boys also use laptops for some lessons to develop their understanding and working at their own pace. The interactive whiteboard is also another well used resource in Junior School; allowing boys to get up and take turns to contribute to the lesson.
Learn more about our curriculum in Junior School.
Miss Easton, Junior School Teacher