Trips and Outings
Extra Curricular
Day Outings
Not everything we do takes place in school. The world outside school has much to teach us. With a London location, there is a plethora of places to visit, which provide inspiration for growing minds. Pupils are taken on Outings to museums, galleries, theatres, castles, battlefields, woodlands, rivers, ancient ruins, as well as places of religious significance. All pupils will have been well prepared and the Outings meticulously organised. Places seen, data collected, information gathered, experiments carried out and pictures studied can be integrated into lessons on return to the classroom. A pupil’s educational experience is the richer for it.
Residential Trips
Once a year, in the Summer Term, Trips Week takes place. All pupils from Years 4 – 8 attend a residential trip, spending at least two nights away from home. Trips, inspired by the curriculum, can help pupils discover much about themselves, their friends and the world around them, experiences that can go on to form some of the happiest school memories. A stay away from home is always an adventure; for some a visit to a stately home or flying down a zip-wire is something new and exciting. Team building activities, England’s history, the beauty of the British countryside and the culture and language of France all deepen a pupil’s natural curiosity and ignite the spark that says, ‘I want to know more…’

Celebrating Our First Co-Ed Pre-School Graduation at Durston House
Durston House recently celebrated a landmark event: our first-ever Pre-School Graduation. Since transitioning to a co-educational school in September 2023, Durston House has been committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse, and dynamic learning environment. This graduation marks a significant milestone in our journey, reflecting our dedication to providing an excellent… Read More

Year 4 Outing to Wetlands Centre: A Memorable Science Learning Experience
In the heart of our bustling city lies a serene escape where nature thrives—the Wetlands Centre. Recently, our Year 4 pupils embarked on an educational outing to this natural haven as part of their science curriculum. This trip was not just an escape from the classroom but a journey… Read More

Year 2 Outing to Hobbledown Heath
The Year 2 classes had an enjoyable and informative day out at Hobbledown Heath. The children spent time observing the capybara, giant tortoise, lemurs and giant rabbits. They learnt about how the different animals move and how the animals are adapted to their environments. There was also time to… Read More

Trips Week 2023!
All pupils from Years 4 – 8 attend a residential trip, spending at least two nights away from home. Trips, inspired by the curriculum, help pupils discover much about themselves, their friends and the world around them, experiences that can go on to form some of the happiest school memories. Read More

Year 1 & Year 2 visit Legoland!
To celebrate the engineering component of STEM, Year 1 and 2 visited Legoland last Friday. The children’s excitement was palpable as the coach drove through the entrance. The life-size Lego pieces bought so much joy and added to the excitement for the day ahead. The children spent the day exploring… Read More

Year 3 visit London Zoo
After their exciting visit to the London Zoo, the Year 3 pupils are bursting with tales of the cute penguins, roaring lions, and cheeky monkeys. Their curious minds are filled with newfound knowledge about reptiles and exotic birds. The experience has deepened their love for animals… Read More

Y1 visit Windsor Castle
Year 1 visited Windsor Castle as an extension of their Topic ‘Knights and Castles’. It was a beautiful sunny day to be exploring the castle. The pupils loved searching for the special features of castles that we had been discussing in class. They identified arrow slits, crenulations, cannons, an old… Read More

Year 1 Outing to Kew Gardens
Our day out at Kew Gardens was a huge success. Children loved exploring the different flowers and plants throughout the garden. During the workshop with Michelle we learnt key features about a variety of plants. We learnt that the weeping beech tree has incredibly long roots… Read More

Year 4 Outing to Neasden Temple
The year 4 children spent a lovely morning at the Swaminarayan Temple in Neasden. They learnt that almost 5,00 tonnes of Italian and Bulgarian marble was shipped to India to be hand carved by over 1,500 skilled artisans, to make the Mandir. The children visited the… Read More

Year 5 French Outing to Cezanne Exhibition
In the Spring Term in Year 5, the focus in the French curriculum is on learning how to produce accurate descriptions. In the first half-term, pupils learnt how to use a wide variety of adjectives to describe animals. This included describing their size, colour and characteristics. A bit of mental… Read More

Y2 Outing to Headstone Manor
On Wednesday 1 March the Year 2 boys took part in a workshop about the Great Fire of London at Headstone Manor. The boys were encouraged to become history detectives and investigate how and why fires started easily in buildings made from wood, using Headstone Manor as the example. They… Read More

Y3 Outing to Pitzhanger Manor
Year 3 boys took the short walk from Longfield Road to the handsome, beautifully restored Pitzhanger Manor Art Gallery, setting for Matt Dixon’s ingenious and moving “A Sense of Wonder” exhibition. The art is based on robots – but these sweetly whimsical creations were not faceless, inhuman machines. Instead they… Read More

Y6 Amersham Field Centre Outing
This was one of the best trips ever! At the start we got to school and headed onto the coach. It was an exciting 45 minute drive there and the coach was filled with loud chatter about how much they wanted to get to Amersham and what challenges awaited us. … Read More

Year 3 outing to St Peter’s Church
In November, Year 3 had the opportunity to visit St Peter’s Church as part of their T.P.R. (Theology, Philosophy & Religion) topic on Christianity. We were met at the church by Father David and Father Adam who welcomed us in and guided us towards the pews. The boys are familiar… Read More

Year 3 outing to The British Museum
Year 3 have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term and so visiting the British Museum recently was an excellent opportunity for all the boys to put their learning into context and of course, learn more about this fascinating civilization. The boys took part in an Ancient Egyptian artefact… Read More

Year 4 Outing to Ealing Synagogue
As part of their T.P.R. topic (Theology, Philosophy & Religion) on Judaism, Year 4 visited Ealing Synagogue to find out more about the religion and study the layout and features of this important place of worship. Rabbi Vogel met us at the synagogue and was our… Read More

Football and Rugby Tour to Salou, Spain
During the October half term, Durston House took 30 Year 7 and 8 boys to Salou in Spain for our bi-annual Football and Rugby Tour. It was an amazing week, filled with sightseeing, theme park rides, swimming, going to the beach and, of course, Football and Rugby. The boys had… Read More

Y5 Battle Abbey Outing
As part of their History Norman Conquest topic, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Battle Abbey, near Hastings. This is the site of the Battle of Hastings and the boys were able to get a feel for the environment that the Normans and Saxons would have experienced while battling… Read More

Y7 Trip to Lake District – Trips Week 2022!
The Year 7 boys spent their trips week in at FSC Castlehead in Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria. Whilst away the boys reinforced and expanded their knowledge of the geography we had been studying in class. They developed their fieldwork skills, team building and tested themselves against Mother Nature. Monday: We arrived at… Read More

Year 3 Outing to Southall Gurdwara
As part of their T.P.R. Sikhism topic, Year 3 have an opportunity to visit the Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Southall. This is a beautiful, purpose-built Gurdwara in the heart of the Sikh community in west London. We are fortunate enough to live local to this landmark building, enabling… Read More

Y8 Trip to Devon- Trips Week 2022!
After an early start, Year 8 set off from Castlebar Field for their final trip at Durston. They were off to the Ultimate Adventure Centre in Bideford, North Devon. Following a 5-hour trip, the boys arrived and were swiftly onto their first set of activities before dinner: Mountain Boarding, Archery… Read More

Year 3 Visit to London Zoo!
On a bright sunny day, all the Y3 boys had their rucksack filled with snacks, lunch, drinks and of course, sunblock. They were ready to embark on an adventure around the London Zoo. Upon arrival, boys were split into two groups which explored the zoo from either end. Each group… Read More

Y6 Trip to France – Trips Week 2022!
Le voyage scolaire en France lundi On Monday 13 June, we left school at 06:30 to be driven by Paul, our coach driver to Folkstone where we boarded the Eurostar. We got our passports checked and finished our film. When the coach drove into the station I saw the Eurostar,… Read More

Y4 visit to PGL – Trips Week 2022!
Rolling suitcases and chatty children down Longfield Walk indicated that it was finally the day of the Year 4 PGL trip! The bright sunshine and buoyant mood was palpable, with all boys brimming with excitement to wave goodbye to parents and head to Marchants Hill PGL. ‘Challenge by choice,’ is… Read More

Y5 History Trip to York – Trips Week 2022!
Year 5 spent their Trips Week exploring the ancient city of York and the surrounding area, deepening their knowledge and understanding of the history they are studying in the classroom. Whilst in York, the boys enjoyed stepping back to the time of the Norman Conquest with a visit to Clifford’s… Read More

Year 1 outing to Windsor Castle
Last Friday Year One took a trip to Windsor Castle to consolidate their learning on Castles and Knights. Pupils visited the beautiful grounds and state rooms where they were wowed by the amazing detail. After an action packed day, we embarked on our journey home feeling very excited –… Read More

Year 4 visit to London Wetlands Centre
The Y4 boys ventured to the London Wetlands Centre in Barnes which is a protected nature reserve. This trip forms part of Durston’s Summer Term on Habitats. Boys were split into two groups covering most of the wetlands from East to West. Upon walking, there was… Read More

Reception Trip to Odds Farm
Reception had a lovely trip to Odds Farm in the sunshine today! The boys enjoyed feeding the animals, petting the rabbits, riding the tractors and having fun in the adventure playground. Mrs Stiglingh – Head of Reception… Read More

Reception outing to Bekonscot Model Village & Railway
On Friday 18 March, Reception had a wonderful sunny day at Bekonscot Model Village & Railway as part of their topic ‘Transport’. The boys had a workshop on transport in the past, explored the model village, went on a train ride and played in the adventure… Read More

Y2 Outing to Headstone Manor
On Friday 4 March, Year 2 visited Headstone Manor to complement their study of the Great Fire of London. Whilst there pupils participated in a Fire and Flames workshop and also got to make a clay fire plaque. Want to learn more about our Curriculum in… Read More

Year 6 Outing to Amersham Field Studies Centre
Last Friday forty-six Year 6 boys set off to Amersham Field Studies Centre to investigate the microclimates of the area and collect data for their fieldwork project as part of the work in Geography. The day started in the classroom where methods and equipment were discussed, along with where… Read More