This term we have explored the topics of ‘Ourselves’ and ‘Transport’.
For the topic of ‘Ourselves’ we labelled parts of the body, and in PSHME, learnt about what our body needs to stay healthy; a healthy diet, mental wellbeing, exercise, sleep and rest, and good oral health. During the frosty winter days we learnt that we need to wrap up warm and practise good personal hygiene to stay healthy.
During the topic, we explored our senses through listening walks, smelling pots, exploring different textures, tasting exotic fruits, and music and movement. We learnt about which parts of our body help our senses to understand the world around us, and explored the vocabulary we needed to talk about these experiences.
For our topic on ‘Transport’, we looked at land, sea and air transport as well as how transport differs around the world. We conducted our own transport survey, learning how to tally up different types of transport in the local area. Then, we used this knowledge and our ICT skills to create pictograms on the tablets. In Art, we enjoyed making vehicles out of recycled materials, using our problem solving skills to adapt and manipulate our models.
A highlight of the topic is a trip to Bekonscot Model Village. Joining forces with Harvington’s Transition class, we travelled by coach and embarked on our first school trip. The children enjoyed looking at the models, noting the different types of transport on show, and they particularly loved seeing the model trains circulating the village. During the trip we had a workshop about transport in the past, and the children were fascinated by how things have changed between now and ‘the old days’.
Read about Reception Autumn Topics ‘People Who Help Us‘ and ‘Celebrations‘ – HERE
Mrs Stiglingh – Head of Reception