Durston House and Harvington Prep to merge

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Durston House and Harvington Prep to merge

We are delighted to announce that Durston House and Harvington Preparatory School in Ealing are to merge, creating a new and exceptional co-educational offer for West London families.

As close neighbours, the schools already share deep roots within the local community, and have in common a time-honoured commitment to delivering a high quality, holistic and values-led education that has provided generations of pupils with the foundations for future success.  Harvington Prep will join the Durston House family, to strengthen these ties and cement community links in a school that will continue to offer the highest standards of pastoral care, excellent academic preparation, and support each child to achieve their best and gain entry to their senior school of choice – including top schools in London beyond.

Led by Durston House Head Giles Entwisle, the two schools will operate independently – with some sharing of facilities – until September 2023, when they will merge fully as a single, co-educational school.

Following the transfer of control of the The Harvington Educational Trust to The Durston House Educational Trust,  Anna Evans will no longer be serving as headmistress of Harvington School. The governing boards of both Harvington Trust and Durston Trust would like to thank Anna for her many years of service and stewardship of Harvington School and we wish her well for the future.

Speaking about the merger Giles Entwisle said: “It will be an honour to lead these two outstanding schools into the future, as we build on our successes and come together to offer pupils a rich, outward-looking, co-educational experience founded on diversity, inclusion and respect.

“We have an exciting opportunity to develop a premier academically rigorous co-educational school in Ealing, where pupils will be offered every opportunity to thrive in a caring, enriching and aspirational setting – regardless of their ethnicity, gender or faith.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Harvington Board for entrusting the school to us, and to express my appreciation for the continuing support of our communities, with whose backing we can look forward to a thriving future ahead.”

Mr Manjeet Mudan, Harvington Board of Governors, said: “Harvington Prep was founded in 1890 by two sisters, and has been through many changes in its 130+ year history. Now we believe the time is right for the school to evolve again, and to join with a larger, local school, with the opportunities for greater investment and development this will bring. We look forward to it flourishing in the future, within the Durston family.”