Contact Us

Middle & Upper School
12-14 Castlebar Road, Ealing
London, W5 2DR
Telephone: 0208 991 6530
After school care: 07753 299 500

Junior School
20 Castlebar Road, Ealing
London, W5 2DS
Telephone: 020 8991 6460
After school care: 07713 321 796

Pre School & Pre-Prep
24-26 Castlebar Road, Ealing
London, W5 2DT
Telephone: 020 8991 6450
After school care: 07713 321 794

Castlebar Playing Field
Castlebar Pavilion, Carlton Road, London W5 2AW
The entrance is on Carlton Road, facing Carlton Gardens.
There are no on-site parking facilities.

Swyncombe Playing Field
Swyncombe Playing Field, Swyncombe Avenue, London W5 4DR
The entrance is on Swyncombe Avenue near the junction with Windmill Road.
There is a small car parking area before
the barrier.
Durston House
Middle & Upper School
Junior School
Pre-prep School
Castlebar Playing Field
Castlebar Playing Field
Address for correspondence to
the Chair of Governors
c/o Clerk to the Governors
12-14 Castlebar Road, Ealing, London, W5 2DR, UK.
Registered Office of Durston House Educational Trust Limited
12-14 Castlebar Road, Ealing, London, W5 2DR, UK.
Telephone: 020 8991 6530
Registered in England No. 1947995
Charity No. 294670